This invention provides an oral apparatus and its method for generating negative pressure in oral cavity, which is capable of alleviating or curing snore and obstructive sleep apnea by applying a negative pressure through a mini oral interface to the oral cavity. The mini oral interface creates a secure connection to mouth and prevents disengaging from patient’s mouth during sleeping. The negative pressure pulls the tongue toward upper palate and also pulls the soft palate forward as well. By moving the tongue and the soft tissue in a forward direction, the patency of the upper airway near the pharynx is maintained to prevent sleep-disordered breathing. The negative pressure will pull the lips inward to close the mouth preventing air from entering the oral cavity from atmosphere. The negative pressure will also pull the soft palate into contact with the rear surface of the tongue to create a seal that prevents the air from entering the oral cavity through the nasal airway.本發明提供一種可消除或治療打鼾及睡眠呼吸中止症狀的口部裝置及其產生口腔負壓的方法,係經由一迷你型口部介面施予負壓在口腔內。該迷你型介面係與嘴巴產生一緊固連接以輔助患者睡眠期間上、下嘴唇閉合。此一負壓係將舌頭拉向上顎並將軟顎往前拉,而藉由將舌頭及軟組織朝前移動,靠近咽喉處的上呼吸道可保持暢通,以防止睡眠時的呼吸障礙。此一負壓會將唇部往內拉而封閉嘴巴,進而防止空氣從外界進入口腔內,並且此一負壓會將軟顎拉向與舌頭後表面接觸,以產生一封閉區,防止空氣經由鼻道進入口腔內。110‧‧‧上貼附部件120‧‧‧下貼附部件130‧‧‧固定部件140‧‧‧連接部150‧‧‧伸縮部件