A method of effectively extracting antioxidants from black bean includes using any thermal treatment selected from baking, stir-frying or microwaving and an extraction means to release a large amount of antioxidants in black beans into the aqueous solution. The test result indicates that the antioxidants in black bean may reduce the liver function index by enhancing the activity of antioxidant enzyme in liver and increasing the concentration of antioxidants, and also lower the lipid accumulation ratio in liver, so as to delay the occurrence of liver fibrosis.一種自黑豆有效提取抗氧化物質的方法,其主要是選用烘烤、培炒或微波任一種熱處理方式,並以萃取手段讓黑豆中的抗氧化物質大量釋放至水溶液中,而檢驗結果可得知黑豆中的抗氧化物質可藉由提升肝臟中抗氧化酵素活性及提高抗氧化物質濃度進而使肝功能指數下降,也可減輕肝臟中脂質堆積之比例,進而延緩肝纖維化之發生。