1. A method for improving the performance of an endoscope for use with a body lumen that has not been sufficiently cleaned for visualization using the specified endoscope, comprising: installing an endoscopic system over the distal end of the endoscope, said endoscopic system comprising a flushing tube that provides a flow of flushing fluid to clean the body lumen, and a suction tube for absorbing material from the body lumen, and ensuring the exit of fluid from the washing pipe and a body lumen for removal of contaminants traveling path of said endoscope providing visualization with endoscope exposed body lumen, and discharge at least part of the contaminants through said suction trubku.2. The method according to claim 1, further comprising releasing the vacuum captured in the endoscopic system by blowing air into the endoscopic system. The method according to claim 2, wherein when blowing air into the endoscopic system, said suction tube is also connected to a branch connector, one branch of said branch connector is connected to a suction source pipe, which is connected to a suction source, and another branch of said branch connector is connected to a purge tube and opening said purge tube to purge air into the endoscopic system. 4. The method according to claim 3, wherein said suction source pipe and said purge pipe pass through a double shut-off valve, while controlling said double shut-off valve to close said1. Способ улучшения рабочих характеристик эндоскопа для использования с просветом тела, который не был достаточным образом очищен для визуализации с использованием указанного эндоскопа, включающий:установку эндоскопической системы поверх дистального конца эндоскопа, причем указанная эндоскопическая система содержит промывающую трубку, которая обеспечивает поток промывающей текучей среды для очищения просвета тела, и всасывающую трубку для всасывания материала из просвета тела, иобеспечение выхода текучей среды из промывающей трубки в просвет тела для очистк