A motorizedwheelchair includes left and rightdrive wheels, left and right motors,rate-of-turn sensor, first and secondspeed sensors, and controllerarranged to combine signals fromthe sensors in a manner that detectsdrift. Alternatively, the motorizedwheelchair includes left and right drivewheels, left and right motors, firstand second rate-of- turn sensors, andcontroller arranged to combine signalsfrom the sensors in a, manner thatcompensates for voltage offset errors.In another arrangement, the motorizedwheelchair includes left and rightdrive wheels, left and right motors,first and second rate-of-tum sensors,input device, and controller arrangedto combine signals from the sensorsand input device in a manner thatcontrols the motors using an integratedtum rate error. Several methodsfor controlling each wheelchairconfiguration are also provided. Thesemethods process signals associatedwith desired, expected, or actual turnrate to determine if the wheelchair isoff course.