The invention relates to medicine, namely to plastic and reconstructive surgery, and can be used to modify the structure of surgical sutures by "core-shell" structure in order to render solubility, atraumatic properties, low capillarity, antimicrobial and therapeutic properties without decreasing strength and manipulative properties . The invention is based on the task to modify polyamide suture material using biodegradable film coating based on macromolecular chitosan copolymerized with polyvinyl alcohol and low molecular weight dextran, which provides normalized rate of biodegradation of polyamide suture with film coating (up to 16 days); additional bacteriostatic and immunostimulatory effect during the period of biodegradation, reducing trauma caused by surgical intervention, reduce postoperative complications by accelerating the healing process and active formation of connective tissue in the area of implantation. The task is solved by the fact that the surface of the filament, after removal oiling agents from the filament with sodium periodate solution to ensure the strength of adhesion for next coverage and absence of affect by infectious damage, film coating is formed with thickness from 50 to 70 microns, which contains a mixture of copolymers of high molecular chitosan, polyvinyl alcohol, and low molecular weight dextran.Изобретение касается медицины, а именно пластической и реконструктивной хирургии, и может быть использовано для модифицирования хирургических нитей структурой "ядро-оболочка" с целью придания им рассасываемости, атравматичности, низкой капиллярности, антимикробных и лечебных свойств без ухудшения прочностных и манипуляционных качеств . В основу изобретения поставлена задача модификации шовного полиамидного материала с помощью биоразлагаемого пленочного покрытия на основе высокомолекулярного хитозана, кополимеризованого с поливиниловым спиртом и низкомолекулярным декстраном, что обеспечивает нормированную скорость биодеградации нити из полиам