Ефимов Александр Анатольевич (RU),Иванова Галина Евгеньевна (RU),Нигамадьянов Николай Ралидович (RU),Стрельников Александр Вячеславович (RU)
1. A method for determining the rehabilitation potential, characterized with the fact that in the course of a medical examination and measure the value of quantified performance of all existing violations related to the health of the patient, and then calculate the severity of violations related to health, leading to the definition of the type of violations, assess the likelihood of elimination disturbances in corresponding to its degree, is then determined rehabilitation potential, characterized in that the indicators related disorders on the health of the patient of any type is quantified according to the International Classification of Functioning of activity limitations and Health (ICF) by completing a pre-designed electronic health records (EHR) members of a multidisciplinary team consisting of, depending on the nosology, different specialists who conduct examination of the patient, the computer program in accordance with the 5-point scale IFF automatically determines the degree of impairment for each indicator - domain and forms uet control domains, which are further grouped into three clusters: biological, personal and social, are at a maximum average amount of points distinguish a leading cluster of problems that will be decisive in the formation of a rehabilitation program, and then, based on the standards of care for a particular disease in the form of amount indicators share of each exposure is determined in an automated fashion by a computer program of rehabilitation coefficient whose value is not more than 1, the projected p ezul1. Способ определения реабилитационного потенциала, характеризирующийся тем, что в процессе медицинского обследования замеряют значения и количественно оценивают показатели всех имеющихся нарушений, связанных со здоровьем пациента, после чего вычисляют степень выраженности нарушений, связанных со здоровьем, с определением ведущего вида нарушений, оценивают вероятность устранения нарушений в соответствующей степени его выраженнос