The Invention relates to a method for producing products of the highest quality output from input Products, products of entry that are processed are scanned optically, carried a Weight goal and then formed into a Shape suitable for packaged OJ and \/ or further processing.In the known methods, the Tuna packed in Cans or other containers, during which the structure is substantially due to processing.The Invention prevents this through the stages of the procedure using a Frozen Product entry to perform the scan Method, the position, shape and size of the product of individual Entry by a means of direct or indirect Optical Scanning with consideration of the pos Ition of the Fiber of meat of tunaCalculating at least one line through the entry product for cutting a tuna steak with a Weight goal and \/ or a desired shape, in which the calculation of the Cutting Line involves an Optimization Process, through which, besides determining the necessary Volume p To achieve the objective Weight after Cutting,Sets the line Cut perpendicular to the Fibers of tuna and cut along the Cutting Line calculated in a Cutting phaseLa invencion se refiere a un metodo para producir productos de salida de la mayor calidad posible a partir de productos de entrada, en los que los productos de entrada que se estan procesando son escaneados opticamente, llevados a un peso objetivo, y luego formados en una forma adecuada para envasado y/o procesamiento posterior. En los metodos conocidos, el atun se envasa en latas u otros recipientes, durante los cuales la estructura se pierde sustancialmente debido al procesamiento. La invencion evita esto mediante las etapas del procedimiento de usar un producto de entrada ultracongelado para llevar a cabo el metodo, escanear la posicion, forma y tamano del producto de entrada individual por medio de un medio de escaneado optico con consideracion directa o indirecta de la posicion de la fibra de la carne de atun, calcular por lo menos una linea de corte a trave