Дряхлов Владимир Юрьевич (RU),Лосев Сергей Дмитриевич (RU),Рябов Игорь Александрович (RU),Белов Дмитрий Валерьевич (RU),Ларин Виктор Спиридонович (RU)
The proposed group of useful model relates to magnitoimpulsnoy medical engineering and can be used in effective uzkofunktsionalnyh (little functional) portable therapeutic apparatus, as a result of their initial specific configuration that compensates for the need to adjust the set biotropic parameters, and in connection with providing them operational working frequency control having the possibility of exposure to treatment and an effective combination of low-frequency pulse parameters biotrophic mag itnym field for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in stationary and mobile hospital and home in an expanded range of diseases treatable by conventional pulsed magnetic therapy, as well as gemozabolevany, neuropsychiatric diseases and brain diseases. The technical result of the claimed group of utility models - provision of circuit resource minimization execution therapeutic magnitoimpulsnogo apparatus with its high therapeutic efficacy in an extended range of diseases due to the development of the proposed little functional device with a special configuration (with an optimal combination selected biotropic indicators) and with the possibility of pulse frequency control in the low frequencies, including α-box, as a result of empowering monocrystal Microcom ntrollera as PFN function at baseline and finely tuned program synthesis target pulse having a universal health-effective combination of truncated millisecond duration and smoothed shape with reduced steepness of rise and fall in comparison with a rectangular shape, or pulses having a shorter duration, with manifestations of therapeutic transcranial magnetostimulating influence and shape of the intermediate slope rise and fall between the rectangular and sine forms, in combination with pulses tuned pulse amplifier with gain up amplitude values defining a low-energy sparing treatment modality work inductor. To achieve the above technical result the low frequency magnitoimpulsny therapeutic apparatus comprising a