РОБИНСОН Тимоти Марк (GB),ЛОК Кристофер Брайан (GB),ТАУТ Эйдан Маркус (GB)
1. A reduced pressure wound therapy system for treating a patient’s tissue site, comprising: a microstrain line designed to be placed near the tissue site, a sealing element designed to be placed on top of the tissue and the specified line and configured to form a hydraulic seal on top of the tissue and the specified line, Ip subsystem of reduced pressure, designed to deliver reduced pressure to the sealing element, while creating microstress l comprises a large number of profiled projections to create microstresses in the tissue, wherein the protrusions are profiled suzhayuschimisya.2. The system according to claim 1, in which at least one profile protrusion has essentially the shape of a straight circular cone. The system according to claim 1, in which at least one profile protrusion has a first step and at least one other profile protrusion has a second step, the first step being larger than the second step. The system according to claim 1, in which the microvoltage producing line is deformed more under the influence of reduced pressure in the first direction than in the second direction. The system of claim 4, wherein the first direction and the second direction are essentially coplanar. The system according to claim 1, in which the profile protrusions are interconnected by a system of connecting elements. The system of claim 1, wherein the microstress line is at least partially coated with the drug. The system of claim 1, wherein the microstress line is at least partially coated with antimicrobial material. The system of claim 1, wherein1. Система терапии раны пониженным давлением для терапии участка ткани пациента, содержащая:создающую микронапряжения магистраль, предназначенную для размещения вблизи участка ткани,уплотнительный элемент, предназначенный для размещения поверх ткани и указанной магистрали и выполненный с возможностью формирования гидравлического уплотнения поверх ткани и указанной магистрали, иподсистему пониженного давления, предназначенную для