This invention provides a low-cost disposable cleaning aid which retains cleaning effect under a bedridden state, and significantly reduces hot water consumption, prevents water leakage and reuses wastewater. The disposable cleaning aid capable of using on both sides is made by a flexible sheet-like material that is non-liquid permeable and capable of using on both sides. The disposable cleaning aid has a bottom surface portion, a water guiding portion arranged further extending from a portion serving as a drain port provided on the outer periphery of the bottom surface portion, a bag-shaped water receiving portion disposed on one side or both sides of the extension portion of the water guiding portion, a cylindrical gas filling portion disposed on the outer peripheral portion other than the portion serving as the drain port of the bottom surface portion, and a gas filling port on the cylindrical gas filling portion. The disposable cleaning aid can be folded and stored when there has no gas filled to the cylindrical. The bottom surface portion supported by an inflated cylindrical gas filling portion becomes a substantially flat surface, and a recess formed by pressing of the bedridden person's body becomes a water storage tank, furthermore, a recess is formed when each time other bottom surface portions being pressed becomes a drainage channel from the water storage tank to the water guiding portion and the bag-shaped water receiving portion. The bag-shaped water receiving portion is capable of self-supporting after gas filling.本發明提供一種保持在臥床狀態下之洗淨效果,並實現熱水使用量之大幅減少、漏水防止、排水再利用之低成本的拋棄式洗淨輔助具,該拋棄式洗淨輔助具係由可雙面使用的非液體穿透性之具有柔軟性的片狀素材所構成而可雙面使用者,該拋棄式洗淨輔助具係具有:底面部;以從成為設置在該底面部之外周之排水口之部位更伸出之方式配置之導水部;配置在該導水部之伸出端之單側一面或其雙面的袋狀受水部;配置在成為該底面部之排水口之部位以外之外周部的筒狀氣體充填部;及在該筒狀氣體充填部之氣體充填口;在未對筒狀氣體充填部充填氣體之狀態下可自由折疊收納;底面部係受膨出之筒狀氣體充填部所支持而成為大致平面;以臥床者之身體之下推而形成之凹部係成為儲水槽;每次下推其他底面部而形成之凹部係成為從該儲水槽至導水部及袋狀受水部之排水路;在氣體充填後可使袋狀受水部自行立起。