The technical solution refers to ultrasonic medical diagnostics and can be used in neurology, neurosurgery, neuropathology, medicine of catastrophes, military field surgery and emergency medicine for ultrasound examination and evaluation of the state of the brain and its vessels. The device comprises a transceiver sensor, a quoting sensor mounted on a holder, a beam shaper, a transceiver of electrical signals, a controller, a processing unit, a signal conversion and storage, and a display. The transceiver sensor is connected to the multi-channel input of the beam former, and the quoting sensor is connected to the output of the transceiver of electrical signals, which is connected to the beam former and connected to the input of the signal processing, transformation and storage unit. To the processing unit, conversion and storage of signals, a controller connected to the beam shaper is connected as well as connected to the input of the processing unit, conversion and storage of signals, and the output of the signal processing, transformation and storage unit is connected to the display input. The technical result achieved with the implementation of the developed method consists in significantly increasing the resolution and quality of the image obtained, increasing the level of reliability and objectivity of the evaluation of the brain condition, improving the quality of diagnosis and ensuring the selection of the optimal method for treating the patient, accelerating the procedure of the examination, and making it easier to conduct. 1 yl. conversion and storage of signals is connected to the input of the display. The technical result achieved with the implementation of the developed method consists in significantly increasing the resolution and quality of the image obtained, increasing the level of reliability and objectivity of the evaluation of the brain condition, improving the quality of diagnosis and ensuring the selection of the optimal method for treating the