The invention relates to an orthosis-type knitted product with knit-incorporated electrodes for limbs rehabilitation in persons with neuromotor impairment. According to the invention, the knitted product (1) consists of a circular knitting including two surface electrodes (2) obtained by knitting with electro-conductive textile threads and arranged, in pairs, in pre-established areas on the orthosis surface, the knitted product including some areas (A1, A2) for fixing the knitted product onto the limb, said areas being knitted as cuffs of non-conductive threads, an area (B1) comprising a plated plain knitted structure made of non-conductive base threads and elastomer, some areas (B2,B3) comprising the electro-conductive textile thread, the electrofunctional stimulation of muscular lodges concerned, by means of surface electrodes made by knitting, being determined by an electric circuit ensuring the supply of electrodes by cables (4) from a neurostimulator (5), the areas knitted with electro-conductive thread being connected to the supply source wires by means of some contacts placed on the knitted product.Invenţia se referă la un produs tricotat, tip orteză, având electrozi încorporaţi prin tricotare, pentru recuperarea membrelor persoanelor cu handicap neuromotor. Produsul tricotat (1), conform invenţiei, constă dintr-un tricot tubular incluzând nişte electrozi (2) de suprafaţă realizaţi prin tricotare cu fir textil electroconductiv şi amplasaţi, în pereche, în zone prestabilite pe suprafaţa ortezei produsul tricotat incluzând nişte zone (A1, A2) pentru fixarea produsului tricotat pe membru, tricotate ca manşete din fire neconductive, o zonă (B1) cuprinzând o structură glat vanisat, realizată din fire neconductive de fond şi elastomer, nişte zone (B2, B3) cuprinzând firul textil electroconductiv, stimularea electrofuncţională a lojelor musculare vizate, cu ajutorul electrozilor de suprafaţă realizaţi prin tricotare, fiind determinată de un circuit electric ce asigu