A self-expanding main vessel stent-graft includes a trunk portion configured for placement within the abdominal aorta and a bifurcated portion configured for placement above the aortic bifurcation of the common iliac arteries. The trunk portion includes a proximal end section having an anchor stent and a seal stent that accommodates a scallop or open-top fenestration a suprarenal body section having at least one stent of variable stiffness to accommodate branch vessel prosthesis deployed alongside the main vessel stent-graft a branch connection section having opposing couplings for connecting the main vessel stent-graft to branch vessel prostheses deployed within the renal arteries an infrarenal body section having at least one stent of uniform stiffness and a transition section for transitioning into the bifurcated portion. The main vessel stent-graft is configured to treat short-neck infrarenal, juxtarenal, and/or suprarenal aneurysms in a wide range of patient anatomies.