ABSTRACT Antipollution system is the only one system in the world, which is control smoke proceeding from vehicles and prevent from spreading in to environment. Here is a evolutionary step in the infrastructure and road building. Antipollution system has taken control of the poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide which has the capacity to absorb large proportions of ultraviolet (u.v) Radiations. The ultraviolet radiation is very toxic to the organic matter. The layer of ozone is getting depleted due to emission of gasses through large running vehicles on the road. The exhausted smoke (gasses) from the vehicles are responsible for the depletion of ozone layer. Due to security of ozone sustainabity remain temperature of earth. Antipollution system is an infrastructure project which is spray water on rising smoke from vehicles at the middle of the road. Smoke and dust wet and fall in the cannel. It flow with water and deposit in tank. It filtered by filtration process. And water sent again to fountain wall. This process is continuous. There are three positions to control air pollution on the road by the fountain. 1) Exhaust pipe of vehicles are in the direction of fountain wall. When vehicles running on the road that time smoke come out with force of vehicles. This smoke directly comes in contact with fountaining water, mix in water and fall down in the cannel and flow with water. 2) When vehicles are running on the road, air moves with the speed of vehicles. In this air has mixed gasses and dust of the road. It has no direction of moving. Due to speed of vehicles it throw towards fountain wall and comes in contact with water wet and fall in the cannel and flow with water. 3) Fountain wall is a cold water spray when blowing air touch to fountaining water it becoming cool. So the surrounding air also becoming cool at the fountain wall aria. So in this aria air has been become compressed. Other side, there is hot air exhausting from vehicles on the road. S