Sukhorukov Viktor Ivanovych;Sukhorukov Viktor Viktorovych;Linnyk Yevhen Vasyliovych;Babenko Pavlo Hryhorovych;Scherbakov Yurii Anatoliiovych;Sereda Valentyna Hordiivna;Scherbakov Volodymyr Anatoliiovy
Sukhorukov Viktor Ivanovych,Sukhorukov Viktor Viktorovych,Linnyk Yevhen Vasyliovych,Babenko Pavlo Hryhorovych,Scherbakov Yurii Anatoliiovych,Sereda Valentyna Hordiivna,Scherbakov Volodymyr Anatoliiovy
The device to treat snoring is made as a conventional soft lightproof mask which is worn on the eyes during sleep, with a translucent inner surface where the LED, which is oriented by the emitting surface toward the eye, is located opposite each eye. In the frontal part of this mask the following items are integrated: power supply in the form of tiny flat batteries and a flexible printed circuit board, on which, apart from the two LEDs the following items are mounted: power switch, a miniature microphone, regulator of device sensitivity and electronic circuit to amplify the microphone signals and to control the LEDs, thereat the electronic circuit comprises the following items which are connected in series, namely, the audio amplifier which is covered by a deep negative feedback under signals of high and medium frequencies, so that it also serves as a low pass filter, with the microphone connected to its input; a comparator with an adjustable level of the switching threshold, which simultaneously serves as a sensitivity threshold control device, a monostable multivibrator, which is configured with a possibility for automatic regulation of the duration of output signal proportionally to the number of the comparator switches, that is proportionally to the volume and duration of each sound of snoring, which acts as the creator of control signal for executive body, and an executive body, which is represented by controlled relaxation oscillator with two antiphase outputs, which are connected to LEDs, thereat the radiating surfaces of each LED are mounted with miniature spread lenses.Устройство для лечения храпа, выполненное в виде обычной мягкой светозащитной маски, одевается на глаза на время сна, с полупрозрачной внутренней поверхностью, на которой напротив каждого глаза расположен ориентированный излучающей поверхностью в сторону глаза светодиод, в области лобной части которой встроены: источник питания в виде миниатюрной плоской батарейки и гибкая печатная плата, на