Шлапак Виталий Никифорович (RU),Рябова Тамара Яковлевна (RU),Лукьянов Сергей Григорьевич (RU),Андрианова Светлана Валентиновна (RU)
Patented foot sensometrichesky sensor for evaluating the quality of different models of footwear based on the functional condition of the central nervous system, reflecting the activity state of the foot proprioceptors (a shoe). Foot sensor comprises an upper and a lower guide between which are fixed rods, and a return spring mounted contactor. Upper and lower guides are respectively fixed under the platform cover and on the base, on which a heel is fastened. The cavity thrust bearing mounted electronic unit connected to the contactor. The electronic unit contains an interface cable to the connector TL8 V for connection to a PC. The upper and lower rails, rods, platform cover and a return spring made of conductive material such as steel. The contactor is fixed between the upper and lower guide and the sensor comprises a conductive contact plate mounted in the bottom of the contactor housing. The housing of the contactor is formed of an insulating material such as hard rubber. The upper conductive contact of the contactor is rigidly fixed to the upper rail and the contact wires are used to connect the contactor to the electronic unit of the foot sensor. The high efficiency of the claimed foot sensor due to the fact that in the developed design the linear speed of the electrical contact does not depend on the kinematics of the movements and "spread" position of the foot. The sensor has a minimum dispersion trigger signal that determines the high level of reliability of the sensor response and the accuracy of the objective withdrawn psychophysiological information with lower limbs of patients. 3 PF 4 yl.Патентуемый ножной сенсометрический датчик предназначен для оценки качества различных моделей специальной обуви на основе показателей функционального состояния центральной нервной системы, отражающих состояние активности проприорецепторов стопы (в обуви). Ножной датчик содержит верхнюю и нижнюю направляющие, между которыми закреплены тяги, возвратная пружина и смонтиров