A bibim sauce with pheasant paste is produced by the following steps: adding pheasant bones, radish, grains of kaoliang, and black bean into a medicinal herb extract prepared by heating a mixture composed of jujube, milk vetch root, platycodon, onion, cabbage, and red ginseng, and water, and then heating the same to prepare a broth; copping pheasant meat and radish, and stirring the same to prepared chopped pheasant meat; putting the chopped pheasant meat, pepper paste, soybean paste, garlic, sorghum syrup, ginger, onion, pear juice, and refined rice wine into the broth, and then boiling down the same; and cooling the boiled bibim sauce, adding sesame oil, and aging the same in a refrigerated state. According to the present invention, it is possible to easily prepare seasoned foods or bibimbap by using the bibim sauce with pheasant paste at home or restaurants.꿩장비빔소스는 대추, 황기, 길경, 양파, 양배추, 홍삼을 물에 넣고 가열하여 만든 생약추출물 생약추출물에 꿩뼈, 무, 수수쌀, 검은콩을 넣고 끓여 육수를 만들고, 꿩살을 다지고 무를 다진 후 교반하여 다진 꿩살을 준비하여 육수에 다진 꿩살과 고추장, 된장, 마늘, 수수조청, 생강, 양파, 배즙, 청주을 넣어 조려낸 후, 조려져 얻어진 비빔장을 식힌 후 참기름을 첨가하여 냉장상태에서 숙성시킴으로써 제조된다. 가정이나 식당에서 쉽게 꿩장비빔소스을 이용하여 무침, 비빔밥요리를 제조하여 이용할 수 있다.