The present invention provides a novel manufacture process of pearl in wild abalone, especially in Haliotis rufescens, by applying a graft channel in visceral mass of the abalone for nucleus implantation. The present invention comprises at least six steps, wherein the key step comprises a relaxation step and a suturing step. The relaxation step comprises feeding CO2 as an anesthetic into the abalone culturing tank to reduce toxicity. The suturing step comprises surgically suturing the graft channel to reduce rejections caused by the nucleus implantation and manufacture an excellent pearl.本發明係指一種新的野生珍珠製作過程,無須依附貝殼,而是鮑魚,可成功依附在紅鮑(Haliotis rufescens),藉由移植管在鮑魚的內臟團進行珠核植入,至少牽涉到六個步驟。其中,本發明最大的不同之處及優勢的關鍵步驟就是在於鬆弛,在放入鮑魚的水槽中預先灌入CO2當做麻醉劑使用,經由鬆弛步驟可降低毒性;另一步驟是移植管手術縫合,可降低珠核植入所產生的排斥,產生最優質的珍珠產品。