The application relates to a biomaterial comprising a ceramic material, theceramic material having a plurality of connecting micropores of an averagediameter of between (1) ~m and (10) ~m, substantially evenly distributedthrough the biomaterial. The ceramic particles are preferably partially fusedto one or more adjacent ceramic particles to form a lattice definingmicropores. Each particle preferably has an average diameter of (1) ~m to (10)~m and may comprise a plurality of elongated macropores having an averagediameter of between (150) ~m and (500) ~m. Furthermore, the materialpreferably additionally contains midi-pores which are substantially sphericaland have an average diameter of (5) ~m to (150) ~m. The document alsodiscloses processes for preparing the biomaterial comprising: (i) preparing amixture of finely-divided biocompatible ceramic particles with a coatingagent; (ii) causing the coating agent to coat the ceramic particles to formcoated particles; (iii) causing the coated particles to form a body; and (iv)heating the body to eliminate residues of the coating agent, to partially fusethe ceramic particles and produce a fused biomaterial, and to biomaterialsobtainable from the process and to the uses of the biomaterials.