An artificial floral arrangement and method for providing therapy to a person suffering from a cognitive disorder, and in particular, Alzheimers disease includes an elongate base having a top surface and opposite ends. At least pair of posts is secured to and extend upwardly from the top surface of the base. A corresponding pair of cleats are secured to the top surface of the base and positioned laterally outward of the posts at the opposite ends of the base. A carrier is attached to the cleats and routed between the corresponding pair of posts. A plurality of decorative components are supported by and suspended from the carrier between the posts. Each of the decorative components may be a relatively short length of a ribbon that is tied about the carrier to create the illusion of a floral arrangement. The artificial floral arrangement and method provides a simple yet meaningful, failure-free, repetitive therapeutic activity that allows an Alzheimers patient to manipulate materials in a structured, safe and supervised environment.