The formula provided by the invention includes: (I) monoclonal anti VRS antibody; and (II) ionic precursor; the concentration of monoclonal antibody is about 50 mg / ml or more, and the concentration of ionic precursor is 50 to 150 mm, and the formula has The present invention provides a formulation comparing: (I) an anti RSV monthly antibody; and (II) an ionic excellent;Wherein the monclonal antiody is present at a concentration of about 50 mg/ml or greater and the ionic excipient is present at a concentration of 50-150 mm and the formulation has a ph of about 5.5 to about 7.5.La presente invención proporciona una formulación que comprende: (i) un anticuerpo monoclonal anti-VRS; y (ii) un excipiente iónico; en donde el anticuerpo monoclonal está presente a una concentración de aproximadamente 50 mg/ml o más y el excipiente iónico está presente a una concentración de entre 50 y 150 mM y la formulación tiene un pH de aproximadamente 5.5 a aproximadamente 7.5.The present invention provides a formulation comprising: (i) an anti-RSV monoclonal antibody; and (ii) an ionic excipient; wherein the monoclonal antibody is present at a concentration of about 50mg/ml or greater and the ionic excipient is present at a concentration of between 50 and 150 mM and the formulation has a pH of about 5.5 to about 7.5.