1. Device (1) preventing carbonization, in order to prevent carbonization of tissue during plasma coagulation by an appropriate surgical instrument (3), wherein the surgical instrument (3) includes a device (7) for feeding the oxidizing agent, the device (5) for feeding gas and electrode (9) for producing the plasma, while with the device (1) preventing carbonation prepared mixture of gas and oxidizing-agent gas to obtain plasma, and the oxidizing agent, provided bicomponent races ylitelnoe feeder oxidative sredstva.2. The apparatus of claim 1, oxidizing agent is liquid or gazoobraznym.3. Device preventing carbonization of claim 1, oxidizing agent is in the form aerozolya.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 for producing an aerosol surgical instrument (3) has isparitel.5. The apparatus according to claim 3 for producing an aerosol surgical instrument (3) has an ultrasound generating ustroystvo.6. The apparatus according to claim 3 for producing an aerosol surgical instrument (3) has a reflectivity plastinu.7. The apparatus of claim 1, oxidizing agent is vodoy.8. The apparatus of claim 1, the gas is an inert gas, preferably argonom.9. The apparatus according to claim 1, provided at least one two-component spray ustroystvo.10. The apparatus of claim 9, said at least one two-component spray device formed with an inner smesheniem.11. The apparatus of claim 9, said at least one two-component spray device arranged outside smesheniem.12. The apparatus of claim 1, the surgical instrument (3) is provided with a hose (111. Устройство (1), препятствующее карбонизации, для предотвращения карбонизации ткани при плазменной коагуляции посредством соответствующего хирургического инструмента (3), причем этот хирургический инструмент (3) включает в себя устройство (7) подачи окислительного средства, устройство (5) подачи газа и электрод (9) для получения плазмы, при этом с помощью устройства (1), препятствующего карбонизации, приготавливается смесь газа и окислительного средства дл