The Ride Stick Poster combines a picture, image and or art with a straight edge ruler printed, or placed, vertically on top of the background picture, image and or art, The horizontal lines that make up the straight edge ruler may obscure the background picture, image and or art but in an aesthetically pleasing way, usually printed or placed to one or more sides of the poster. Notes are printed or placed on the poster at or near the height requirements of various rides and or attractions for a particular amusement park, theme park or fair. Notes including ride and or attraction heights, trademarks, copyrights, logos, sales and marketing information, and or other information can be displayed on top of the background picture, image and or art. The notes should be placed on the poster so as not to obscure the straight edge ruler(s) and in a location that makes the poster aesthetically pleasing. The straight edge ruler, or rulers, do not have to start at zero. For example the measurement at the bottom of the poster may start at 24 inches (61 centimeters) and at the top of the poster end at 76 inches (193 centimeters).