A pulsed electric field sterilization equipment sterilization chamber, comprising a high voltage pulsed electric field power supply and an outer insulator (6) a coaxially disposed outer barrel and inner cylinder (14, 15), the radius of the outer barrel being greater than the radius of the inner cylinder (14, 15) the inner cylinder (14, 15) being disposed inside the outer barrel, thus forming an annular gap between the outer barrel and the inner cylinder (14, 15). Outer insulators (6) are used for sealing at the two ends of the inner cylinder and the outer barrel (14, 15), the outer barrel being fixedly attached on the outer insulator (6). The outer barrel consists of electrode material, forming a sterilization chamber electrode (1) the outer barrel electrode (1) being provided with a feed port (3) and an outlet port (4) the surface of the inner cylinder (14, 15) being provided with a screw member (5) consisting of an insulating material an electrode (2) being provided on the surface of the inner cylinder (14, 15) between each two adjacent screw spirals of the screw member (5) the space between the surface of the inner cylinder electrode (2) and the outer barrel electrode (1) forming a treatment chamber for material to be sterilized, and being connected to the poles of the pulsed power supply.Cette chambre de stérilisation dun dispositif de stérilisation dun champ électrique pulsé comprend une alimentation en courant pulsé haute tension du champ électrique, un isolateur extérieur (6) et des cylindres (14, 15) couche intérieure disposés co-axialement par rapport aux cylindres couche extérieure dont le diamètre est supérieur à celui des cylindres (14, 15) placés dans les cylindres couche extérieure de manière à former un espace annulaire venant entre les cylindres couche extérieure et les cylindres (14, 15). Les cylindres couche extérieure et les deux extrémités des cylindres (14, 15) utilisent lisolateur extérieur (6) pour assurer létanchéité, les cylindres couche ext