A ladder-assisted four-point stick structure includes a cane and a support base. This creation can be used not only to assist walking on general roads, but also to provide users with the ability to walk between steps. The stepping panel of the supporting base serves as a relay height between the upper and lower steps, thereby providing users with steps to reduce the height of the lifted feet and reduce the burden on the legs and knees, which is helpful for walking on the steps and improving the practicality of the structure.一種階梯輔助四點杖之結構,其包含一手杖以及一支撐底座,本創作不僅可應用於一般路面的輔助行走使用,更主要的用途則是還能提供使用者行走於階梯間使用,利用該支撐底座的踩踏面板作為上下階梯間的中繼高度,進而提供使用者踩踏,達到降低抬腳高度且減輕腿部、膝蓋負擔的效果,有助於階梯行走使用,提升結構之實用性。