"interactive hearing aid system". Patent of a real-time graphic interactive system to help speech-language pathologists in the rehabilitation of the hearing impaired, aiming to improve its quality and make it natural and more intelligible. It is a computational tool (5) that enables a visual and real-time interaction between the microcomputer screen (3) and the hearing impaired, aiming to train them to position their articulators, so that the voice emission is take intelligible and natural. the frequency spectrum curve of the first three phoneme formants pronounced by the patient is presented on screen (3) and confronted with a stored curve, extracted from the speech therapist database, referring to the formant spectrum produced by the emission of the same phoneme by a another speaker, with the desired naturalness and quality. Three consecutive patient-produced curves persist on screen (3), along with the desired, previously loaded curve. If measurements of the distances between this stored curve and the patient-produced formants are below a threshold, the message "Congratulations" is issued. In addition, the system provides the speech therapist with the fundamental voice frequency, uitter flicker and bandwidth of the formants to enable offline dysphonia analysis and diagnosis. The system consists of a microphone (1), an optional wireless microphone receiver (2), a microcomputer (3), an audio signal acquisition application (4) and a pre-specific program (5). -signal processing, for formant extraction by the covariance method and for spectrum visualization. The system is considered low cost, mainly because professionals already have microcomputers in their offices."sistema interativo para auxílio a deficiente auditivo". patente de invenção de um sistema interativo gráfico e em tempo real para auxílio a fonoaudiólogos na reabilitação da fala de deficientes auditivos, objetivando melhorar sua qualidade e torná-la natural e mais inteligível. é uma ferramenta computacion