FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to agricultural machinery industry. The working body of the subsurface plow-fertilizer distributor comprises a wedge-shaped rack. On the rear part of the rack a fertilizer funnel is mounted, and in the lower part - the coulters mounted in the rack alignment. In front of the rack a vertical cutter wheel is mounted. Behind the fertilizer funnel using the leashes fixed to the rack, a disc loosening drum with discs is placed. The discs are mounted at an angle to the direction of motion and consist of a spherical part connected to the vertical part. The discs are mounted at an angle of divergence and are fixed to the crank axle. The front part of the wedge-shaped rack has a cutting-point angle changing in size, in the lower part it is connected with a spanning angle of the plowshares, in the upper part it has a value of 12…15º. Under the coulters a fertilizer distributor is fixed, the trailing edge of which is made under the upper edge of the plowshares. In the upper part of the rack a pressure fan for the formation of an air-fertilizer mixture and a fertilizer distributor are placed. In the lower part the rack is attached to chisel subsoiler the front edge of which is made along the hyperbolic curve and recessed below the plane of plowshares cutting by the depth of landing of the plowshares. In the lower part of the chisel subsoiler a groove is provided for feeding the fertilizers, connected with the openings to the fertilizer funnel.EFFECT: method of creating optimal conditions for growth and development of crops and increasing yields.2 dwgИзобретение относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению. Рабочий орган плоскореза глубокорыхлителя-удобрителя содержит клинообразную стойку. На задней части стойки смонтирован тукопровод, а в нижней части - лемеха, установленные в створе стойки. Перед стойкой установлен вертикальный дисковый нож. За тукопроводом с помощью поводков, закрепленных к стойке, установлен дисковый рыхлите