1. Folding protective device (200) to prevent embolism, designed for transvascular delivery to the arch (100) of the patient’s aorta and for temporary protection of at least one lateral branch vessel of said aortic arch from embolic material (150), said device having protective link (140) containing! a selectively permeable unit (132) adapted to prevent the passage of the indicated embolic material (150) with the bloodstream, wherein said protective unit (140) is connected to the transvascular delivery unit (130) at the connection point (131), and! a first support member (133, 210) for supporting said protective link (140), which is at least partially located on the periphery (180) of said selectively permeable link (132); and in which, in the expanded state of said device (200), said connection point (131) is surrounded by or integrated with said first support element (133), wherein said connection point (131) is eccentric in a protective device to prevent embolism so that said transvascular delivery unit (130) is connected eccentrically, offset from the center to said protective unit (140) at the indicated connection point (131) at which said selectively permeable unit (132) is non-tubular, passing m is essentially planar in said expanded state. ! 2. The device according to claim 1, in which the specified device is intended for subcutaneous transvascular delivery when folded to the specified aortic arch through one of these lateral branch vessels of the aorta, which differs from the lateral branches1. Складное защитное устройство (200) для предотвращения эмболии, предназначенное для трансваскулярной доставки к дуге (100) аорты пациента и для временной защиты, по меньшей мере, одного бокового ответвленного сосуда указанной дуги аорты от эмболического материала (150), причем указанное устройство имеет защитное звено (140), содержащее ! избирательно проницаемое звено (132), адаптированное для предотвращения прохождения с кровотоком указанного эмболического материала