The present invention is in close contact with the wearers skin to follow the behavior of the wearer in daily life, there is provided a pants-type wearing inhibiting product leakage from the absorbent pad. A can be attached to pads 5 for absorbing urine in the region corresponding to the crotch of the wearer, or a pants-type wearing material attached integrally, and the main body of the pants-type shape, the body the elastic strip portion 10 which expands and contracts placed is in the length direction in part, with a, elastic strip portion is provided with a hip top band 11 extending the buttocks of the top of the wearer, and buttocks loincloth 12 extending the lower part of the buttocks includes a groin belt 13 extending along the groin, and inguinal strip is connected to the buttocks upper band in the flank U3 extends upwardly from the groin. .BACKGROUND 2【課題】日常生活における着用者の動作に追随し着用者の肌と密着して、吸収パッドからの漏れを抑制するパンツ型着用物を提供する。【解決手段】着用者の股間に対応する部位に尿を吸収するパッド5を取り付けることができる、又は一体的に取り付けられているパンツ型着用物であって、パンツ型形状の本体部と、本体部に配され長さ方向に伸縮する伸縮性帯状部10と、を備え、伸縮性帯状部は、着用者の臀部の上部を延びる臀部上帯11と、臀部の下部を延びる臀部下帯12と、鼠蹊部に沿って延びる鼠蹊部帯13と、を有し、鼠蹊部帯は鼠蹊部から上方に延びて側腹部U3で臀部上帯と繋がっている。【選択図】図2