Зыкин Евгений Сергеевич (RU),Смирнов Алексей Сергеевич (RU)
A useful model refers to agricultural machinery, in particular to seeders for subsoil-spreading crops of cereals.The combined seeder includes a frame with a trailing device, a hopper with sowing devices, support wheels and openers. The coulters contain a hollow stand-the vas deferens, a spherical disc and a dissector. The concave side of the spherical disk faces the surface of the field. The dissector is installed under the hollow stanchion-vas deferens in the inner cavity of the spherical disc. The coulters are equipped with a roller attachment containing an H-shaped frame, brackets and rods, a nut and spring, rippers and leveling wheels are installed on each bar. The ripper-type roller contains an axis and disc rippers. Disc rippers are installed on the axis of the ripper-type rink at equal intervals in the horizontal plane, and along the periphery of the disc rippers, the shaped grooves are made. The leveling roller contains an axis, lateral and intermediate discs and rods. On the periphery of the lateral and intermediate discs with an equal angular step, figured grooves are made in the form of a semicircle. The lateral and intermediate discs are mounted on the axis at regular intervals in the horizontal plane and offset from each other in a vertical plane. The bars are installed in the shaped grooves in such a way that they form a multi-threaded screw line, and in the cross-section the bars have the shape of a polyhedron.Such a design of the combined seeding unit will improve the quality of sowing of cereals.Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению, в частности, к сеялкам для подпочвенно-разбросного посева зерновых культур.Комбинированный посевной агрегат включает раму с прицепным устройством, бункер с высевающими аппаратами, опорные колеса и сошники. Сошники содержат полую стойку-семяпровод, сферический диск и рассекатель. Вогнутая сторона сферического диска обращена в сторону поверхности поля. Рассекатель установлен под полой стойкой-се