КУМАР Самартх (IN),КАНЭ Прашант (IN),НАМДЭО Алок Би (IN),БХАУМИК Субхас Би (IN),ГАНОРКАР Кирти (IN)
1. Dosage form gemcitabine large volume infusion comprising an infusion container is poured into a large volume of ready-to-stable infusion solution a large amount of gemcitabine, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof in an aqueous rastvoritele.2. A dosage form according to claim gemcitabine. 1, characterized in that the infusion container is a single chamber container polymer not containing polivinilhlorida.3. A dosage form according to claim gemcitabine. 1, characterized in that the aqueous solvent contains not sorastvoriteley.4. A dosage form according to claim gemcitabine. 1, characterized in that the solvent has a concentration of gemcitabine 5 mg / ml to 20 mg / ml.5. A kit comprising a dosage form of a large volume infusion, ready for infusion containing a stable solution of a large amount of gemcitabine, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof in an aqueous solvent and the polymer is poured into a large volume infusion container, covered more upakovkoy.6. Set according to claim. 5, characterized in that gemcitabine or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof is present at a concentration of 10 mg / ml, and poured into 100 ml volumes of up to 300 ml.7. Set according to claim. 6, characterized in that the infusion container comprises a stable solution of 160 ml of gemcitabine, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof in an aqueous solvent, and provides a dose of 1600 mg of gemcitabine hydrochloride at konteyner.8. Set according to claim. 6, characterized in that the infusion container comprises a stable solution of 170 ml of gemcitabine, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof in an aqueous solvent, and provides a dose of 1700 mg of gemcitabine hydrochloride at konteyner.9. Set according to claim. 6, characterized in that1. Лекарственная форма гемцитабина большого объема для инфузии, содержащая заливаемый в инфузионный контейнер большого объема готовый к инфузии стабильный раствор большого объема гемцитабина или его фармацевтически п