Non-Invasive Laser Light Skin Treatment Device, Noninvasive Laser Light Skin Treatment Device, and Use of a Device The invention provides a non-invasive skin light system comprising a system an optical device having a laser light source for generating a light beam which is configured such that, in use, the light beam exits the device and collides with an external surface of the skin to be treated; wherein the optical system is configured to focus, in use, the beam of light at a position of a treatment site within the skin, whereby laser induced optical rupture is induced at the position of the treatment site; an aperture arranged such that, in use, light returning from the skin enters the device as a measuring light beam; and a first and a second intensity detection channel configured and arranged to detect the intensity, respectively, in a first and second bandwidth bands of the metering beam, the first and second bandwidths of Both bands comprise a wavelength of light produced in the skin as a result of laser-induced optical breakage, and the first bandwidth comprises the second generation harmonic wavelength of the laser light source, the second band. The bandwidth band is adjacent to the first bandwidth band and the second bandwidth band excludes the second generation harmonic wavelength of the laser light source. The invention also provides a corresponding method for treating the skin (30), in particular for reducing wrinkles. For the effectiveness of such treatment, two main parameters are crucial: intensity at the position of the treatment site and depth of focus, and it is also very important that these parameters can be measured using the same measurement system. 1/1resumo dispositivo não invasivo para tratamento de pele com o uso de luz laser, método não invasivo para tratamento de pele com o uso de um dispositivo que gera luz laser, e uso de um dispositivo a invenção fornece um dispositivo não invasivo, que compreende um sistema óptico que tem uma fonte d