Abstract - SLIDER IRRIGATION STSTEM (SIS) The present invention directed towards the system which will be useful for irrigation with slider channel with pipeline which moves in forward and backward direction to give water exactly over crop line without any man power and wastage of water. An additional automation is provided to control the supply of water as per requirement of crop by soil moisture sensor. The vertical supports are fitted with horizontal channel section. The channel section will provide path for rolling the wheel on both the edges above the channel. Between the rollers, one pipeline is attached to moving roller attachment for the possible motion of whole assembly in backward and forward direction. The pipes are fitted with nozzle to sprinkle the water on the crop. The soil moisture sensors are fitted to monitor the quantity of water requirement to the crops. The pipeline can be connected to any source of water. In this method pipes are slide over or above the crop and water is spread on crop. It also helps in spraying fertilizers and pesticides on crop. Water is given to crop like a rainfall so such type of irrigation method found to effective over bacteria born disease of crop. This system helps to optimize the quantity of water required for crop as there are electronic soil moisture sensors are fitted to monitor the supply of water to the crop.