The compositions and Methods provide control of unwanted vegetation, for example, in Crops and other environments, for example, Rice sown and transplanted directly planted in water, cereals, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye, Sorghum, corn, Sugar Cane, Sunflower, Rapeseed ol Eaginosa, canola, soybean, Sugar beet, Cotton, Pineapple, pastures, Meadows, pastures,Fallows, Lawns, Orchards and vineyards, Planting Aquatic Plants, crops, vegetables, industrial vegetation Management (IVM, by its acronym in English) or public transit areas (Row, its acronym in English).Claim 1: a synergistic herbicidal composition comprising an effective amount of herbicide as (a) a compound of the formula (1) or their salts or Esters of Acceptable Use in Agriculture, and (b) at least one Compound, or a carboxylic acid salt, Salt or Ester, carboxylate Of these, Acceptable Use in AgricultureSelected from the group consisting of sulfonylureas: amidosulfuron, azimsulfuron, bensulfuron Methyl, clorosulfur u00f3n, ciclosulfamur u00f3n, ethametsulfuron Methyl, ethoxysulfuron, flazasulfuron, flucetosulfur u00f3n, Flupyrsulfuron Methyl Sodium, foramsulfuron, imazosulfuron, iodofensulfur u00f3n, iodosulf Uron Methyl Sodium, mesosulfuron Methyl, metsulfuron Methyl, nicosulfuron, ortosulfamur u00f3n primisulfuron -, MethylPropirisulfur u00f3n, prosulfuron, pirimisulfano, piroxasulfona, rimsulfur u00f3n, sulfometuron Methyl, triafamona sulfosulfuron, Thifensulfuron Methyl, triasulfuron, Tribenuron - methyl - sodium and trifloxisulfuron. Claim 2: the composition according to any one of claims 1 - 3, which also includes an herbicide Antidote.Claim 5: a method to control undesirable vegetation comprising contacting the vegetation or the Locus of the same or applied to the soil or water, to prevent the emergence or growth of vegetation as a herbicide, an effective amount of (a) a compound of the formula (1) Or their salts or Esters of Acceptable Use in Agriculture, and (b) at least one Compound, or a Salt,Carboxylic