The present invention provides a swinging feed tank as a whole structure. The whole structure is constructed according to the eating habit of pigs using eating mouth and nose to hit the neck portion of the material tank. The neck portion having striking endurance may be used for discharge operation control and has a simple structure for long-term usage and easy maintenance. Furthermore, when the neck portion of the material tank is hit, it will cause swinging operation of the conical tank body, which can enlarge the kinetic energy of the feed in the material tank supplying toward the discharge port, and the striking force may be extended to the entire conical tank body from the neck portion for forming the entire tank wall oscillation effect, so as to prevent the feed from attaching on the tank wall and effectively avoid the blocking of feed in any portion of the material tank and material jam caused therefrom.一種擺動式飼料桶,整體結構,利用整體結構,利用豬隻進食口鼻碰撞裝料桶頸部的進食習性養成,除耐撞擊之頸部作為出料動作控制,具構造簡單與效用容易長時維護外,裝料桶頸部受到撞擊時,錐形桶身部的搖擺動作產生,不但造成裝料桶中飼料可以加大往出料口端填補的動能,撞擊力量從頸部延續到整個錐形桶身部所形成的整個桶壁震盪效應,俾能避免飼料著附桶壁,有效防止飼料在裝料桶中任何部位,發生卡料情形。10‧‧‧裝料桶11‧‧‧錐形桶身部12‧‧‧桶口13‧‧‧樞設件14‧‧‧頸部15‧‧‧出料口16‧‧‧橫桿20‧‧‧餵食盛料盤21‧‧‧盛料槽22‧‧‧中島座30‧‧‧料桶支撐架31‧‧‧支撐桿40‧‧‧出料空隙60‧‧‧阻料盤件61‧‧‧錐形凸體