The invention relates to a method for the preparation of a blank from aceramic material, wherein at least two layersof ceramic material of different compositions are filled into a die layer-by-layer and after filling of the layers they are then pressedand sintered, wherein after filling of a first layer this is structured on itssurface in such a way that the first layer, viewed across itssurface, differs in its height from region to region, and then a layer with acomposition that differs from the first layer is filled as a14WHAT IS CLAIMED IS:1. A pre-sintered or fully-sintered blank for use for the production of adental restorationconsisting of a ceramic material which contains zirconium dioxide doped withyttrium oxide(Y2O3), calcium oxide (CaO), magnesium oxide (MgO) or cerium oxide (CeO2),when viewedacross a height thereof has layers of different compositions, wherein materialof a first said layerdiffers from material of a second said layer in terms of color and proportionsof stabilized crystalforms present at room temperature, wherein the zirconium dioxide has at leasta 95% tetragonalcrystal form in the first said layer and between 51% and 80% in the secondsaid layer, and whereinthe blank has at least three said layers, of which one is a middle said layerthat extends over at least1/10 H to 1/5 H of a total height H of the blank, and which is formed from amaterial of thefirst said layer and the second said layer.2. A pre-sintered orfully-sintered blank for use for the production of a dental restorationconsisting of a ceramic material which contains zirconium dioxide doped withyttrium oxide(Y2O3), calcium oxide (CaO), magnesium oxide (MgO) and cerium oxide (CeO2),when viewedacross a height thereof has layers of different compositions, wherein materialof a first said layerdiffers from material of a second said lay