The present invention relates to a method for obtaining much more elements and cleaner air from water and food for health by having strong five viscera and six entrails and, more specifically, to a method for obtaining many elements from more food and water by making and using loess spleen rice cakes, bar rice cakes, and small bricks wherein a process of making thereof comprises: selecting a number of innocuous oriental medicines and food materials which are good for five viscera and six entrails; washing and chopping loess, bovine spleen, Chinese Osage orange, and Angelica gigas; and mixing, kneading, and pounding the mixture in a mortar. Through a process of drying, roasting, and grounding to make powder, the loess spleen rice cakes can be applied to natural face masks by adding powder into the mask as an ingredient, and it is possible to provide food which is good for five viscera and six entrails and is innocuous that anyone can eat if adding the powder in a diet or water wherein the loess spleen bar rice cakes and bricks, if applied to an interior design, it is possible to control humidity and obtain smell of loess and smell good for five viscera and six entrails by spraying water thereto when humidity is low. It is also possible to prevent all kinds of diseases involuntarily if adding the left over loess spleen bar rice cakes and bricks into the natural face masks or into the food when cooking and to accelerate recovery if combining treatment which is to take food and medicine customized by doctors and oriental medical doctors along with intake of the loess spleen bar rice cakes and the bricks.본 발명은 오장육부가 건강해야 건강하기에 물과 식품에서 더 많은 원소와 더 좋은 공기까지 얻는 제조방법에 관하여 독성이 없는 수많은 오장육부에 좋은 한약재와 식자재를 선별하여 황토와 소의 지라, 구찌뽕, 당귀 등등을 세척 세절하여 혼합 반죽 절구질하여 황토 지라떡과 가래떡과 작은 벽돌을 이용 더 많은 물과 식품에서 많은 원소를 얻는 방법으로 황토 지라떡은 건조후 열에 구어 분말을 만들어 천연팩에 삽입 물과 식단에 삽입, 독성이 없어 누구나 물과 밥 등에서 오장육부에 좋은 식품을 먹을 수 있으며, 황토지라가래떡과 벽돌은 인테리어에 사용하면서 습도가 부족할 때는 물을 약하게 뿌려주면 습도조절과 황토 냄새겸 오장육부에 좋은 냄새까지 얻을 수 있으며 사용후 황토지라