The invention concerns a method for producing pant-type absorbent articleseach article (21) including a chassis structure having at least one elastic paneland an integrated absorbent core component (32), the method including a continuouspant-forming process comprising forming the chassis structure and incorporatingthe absorbent core component (32) into the chassis structure. The at least oneelastic panel is formed by a) separately producing a two-layer laminate (8) comprisinga first non-elastic fibrous nonwoven web (1) and an elastic film (6), b) activatingthe two-layer laminate (8) by incremental stretching in at least one directionto render the two-layer laminate (8) elastically stretchable, c) stretchingthe activated two-layer laminate (8) by 35-200% in at least one direction, d)introducing the two-layer laminate (24,25) in the pant-forming process, ande) laminating the elastic film (6) of the stretched two-layer laminate (24,25)to an elastic or nonwoven chassis component (39,40, 23, 54). The invention alsorelates to an absorbent pant-type article produced in accordance with the method.