A bag for foot odor removal and method forming the same are disclosed. The bag packed with powder made of leaves and stems of a plant called turn in the wind. After leaves and stems picked from the plant, they then be stilled a predetermined time and turned over for several times so as to ferment partially. Thereafter, stopping ferment is performed by high temperature process for very short time. And then baked to dry and then be milled to powder. Then the powder is packed with bags for uses in shoes.一種透氣袋內裝有經部分發酵的白匏子莖葉粉末之除臭包,適用於鞋內以去除腳臭之除臭包。它的製造方法是先採收白匏子的葉、莖;再進行靜置一預定時間,再翻動,重覆數次以使上述之白匏子產生部分發酵;將該部分發酵之白匏子高溫瞬間殺青,以中止發酵繼續進行,將已殺青之白匏子施以乾燥處理,再研磨成粉末;裝入透氣袋。5...除臭包