One kind of low-fat pectin extraction method, comprising the following steps: 1. Pectin material mixed with water in a barrel body. 2. Use turntable which installed in the barrel, rotate the water forming a strong flow to extracted pectin. 3. stop the turntable, put out the pectin. 4. Spin the barrel, the last pectin in the barrel will fling through the filter entirely. In this methods use turntable forming a strong flow to extracted pectin and remove last pectin by centrifugal force, this way can easily, hygienically and efficiently extracted the low-fat pectin.一種低脂果膠萃取方法,其包括下列步驟:1.取果膠原料與水混合於一桶體內;2.利用設置於該桶體內之一轉盤,轉動帶動該桶體內的水,形成強勁水流,進行果膠的萃取;3.停止該轉盤轉動後,將萃取後之果膠排出;4.利用設置於該桶體內之一過濾網桶高速離心轉動,將剩餘的果膠甩出。本方法藉由轉動轉盤產生強勁水流快速萃取原料的果膠;及利用離心力甩出附著於原料周邊的果膠,可達到方便地、衛生地、高效率地萃取低脂果膠之目的。(1)‧‧‧桶體(11)‧‧‧排出口(2)‧‧‧轉盤(3)‧‧‧過濾網桶(4)‧‧‧內軸(5)‧‧‧外軸