The present invention is a bone implant made from shape memory alloy. Said bone implant includes a rod body, and a fixing unit. Said fixing unit includes at least one thread segment formed around said rod body. Said thread segment has a variable-pitch structure designed to disperse stress, so as to evenly disperse force onto the broken bone segments. Said bone implant is made from shape memory alloy, which generates a retraction force along the axis of said rod body, hence providing the broken bone segments with an active pressure to improve stability.一種骨科植入物,由形狀記憶合金所製成,該骨科植入物包含一植入桿本體,及一固定單元。該固定單元包括至少一環設於該植入桿本體的螺紋段。該螺紋段上的螺距是不一致,且透過此一特徵可分散應力,使負載能平均且分散地傳遞至斷骨上。該骨科植入物是以形狀記憶合金製成,可提供一植入桿本體軸向的主動拉伸力,達到對斷骨進行主動加壓以提高穩固性之功效。