This creation system closes Lowiaceae plant and cactus extract of the what one kind to reduce cholesterol prevention blood vessel embolism and embeds structure, comprising: a protective layer, a supporting layer, a slow release layer and core; The protection series of strata coat on the what supporting layer, which coats on the what slow release layer, and in core system embedding what slow release layer. By the embedding structure in addition to that can protect extract for a long time, slow release layer also may make extract slow release; The extract system extracts from Lowiaceae plant and cactus and obtains and use for user, and using improves its physiological status or do routine supply use, to reach the effect for reducing cholesterol prevention blood vessel embolism.本創作係關於一種用以降低膽固醇預防血管栓塞之蕉科植物與仙人掌萃取物包埋結構,包括:一保護層、一支撐層、一緩釋層、及核心;該保護層係包覆於該支撐層上,該支撐層係包覆於該緩釋層上,且該核心係包埋於緩釋層中。藉由該包埋結構除了可長時間保護萃取物,其緩釋層亦可使得萃取物緩慢釋放;該萃取物係從蕉科植物及仙人掌中萃取而得供使用者使用,藉以改善其生理狀況或做日常補給使用,以達到降低膽固醇預防血管栓塞之效果。