Comprising a MILLING DEVICE provided with at least one helical Drum presents a means of cutting that can cut the grass,It also includes media Guided located on the lawn which guide the Movement of the MILLING DEVICE on the grass Surface so as to obtain representations of Type Advertising as any character or graphics from the Court and orientation of the CESP Ed TreatyQUE COMPRENDE UN DISPOSITIVO DE FRESADO PROVISTO DE AL MENOS UN TAMBOR HELICOIDAL QUE PRESENTA UNOS MEDIOS DE CORTE QUE PERMITEN CORTAR EL CESPED, ADEMAS INCLUYE MEDIOS DE GUIADO SITUADOS SOBRE EL CESPED QUE GUIAN EL DESPLAZAMIENTO DEL DISPOSITIVO DE FRESADO SOBRE LA SUPERFICIE DE CESPED DE TAL MODO QUE PERMITEN OBTENER UNAS REPRESENTACIONES DE TIPO PUBLICITARIO A MODO DE CUALQUIER CARACTER O GRAFISMO A PARTIR DEL CORTE Y ORIENTACION DEL CESPED TRATADO