Diabetes is a disease which doctors dislike more than cancer. Diabetes is closely associated with insulin. Insulin is a hormone made from a pancreas, which controls blood sugar by the metabolism of glucose generated after the intake of food. Insulin is classified into basal insulin, which is continuously secreted, and postprandial insulin which is secreted when blood sugar gets high due to the intake of food. If insulin is not properly secreted or does not function well, a disorder occurs in saccharometabolism and glucose in blood sugar is thrown away through urine without being used as an energy source for a human body. Koreans have a smaller pancreas than the same of western people, so the secretion of insulin is relatively low, and moreover, as Koreans mainly eat rice, Koreans are vulnerable to diabetes. In addition, complications by diabetes are so serious that patients are able to be blind or even their toe is able to be cut off. However, there is not a miracle cure, so the patients only rely on blood sugar reduction medicines. As the patients have considerable constraint on their everyday life including the intake of food, if the patients are able to freely eat Gimbab which is simple food, the patients will be very happy. The present invention is designed to reduce the inconvenience by diabetes by providing food with plenty of Zn which is a base for the secretion of insulin. Unexpectedly, there are many people who like Gimbab but are not able to freely eat the food. The present invention provides Gimbab which naturally controls the blood sugar of the diabetic patients.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017당뇨는 의사들이 암보다도 싫어하는 1 순위 병이다당뇨는 인슐린과 밀접한 관계가 있다.인슐린은 췌장에서 분비되는 호르몬으로 음식물을 섭취한 후 생성된 포도당의 대사에 관여해 혈당을 조절하는 역할을 한다.항상 지속적으로 분비하는 기저 인슐린과 음식 섭취 등으로 혈당이 높아졌을 때 분비되는 식후 인슐린으로 구분되어 체내에 항상 존재한다. 인슐린의 분비나 기능에 이상이 생기면 당대사에 이상이 생겨서 혈당의 포도당이 우리 몸을 움직이는 에너지원으로 쓰지 못하고 혈액 내에 쌓여서 소변으로 빠지는 상태가 된다.우리나라 사람은 서양인 보다 췌장의 크기가 반 정도가 되어 상대적으로 인슐린의 분비가 적은데다가 쌀밥을 주식으로 하기 때문에 당뇨병에 취약하다.또한 당뇨로 인한 합병증은 심각하여