An electronic medical tag emergency rescue system includes a plurality of electronic medical tags capable of being driven to emit light with a predetermined color and/or an alert sound, at least one portable reader for being held and moving with rescue personnel for sensing and reading the data on the electronic medical tag, at least one fixed reader which is configured in a medical institution for sensing and reading the data on the electronic medical tag, and a central control equipment which is configured in a central control center for consolidating electronic tag data from the readers and for synchronized update. With the design of the electronic medical tag structure and the communication design among the electronic medical tags, the portable reader, the central control equipment, and the fixed reader, the present invention may enhance the searching and rescue efficiency for casualties and further facilitate the unified consolidation and synchronized update of casualty data, so as to greatly enhance the casualty rescue efficiency on the disasters site.一種電子傷票緊急救災系統,包含多個可被驅動發出預定色光及/或警報聲響之電子傷票、至少一供救護人員手持移動並可用以感應讀取該電子傷票資料之隨身讀取器、至少一架設於醫療院所並可用以感應讀取該電子傷票資料之固定讀取器,及一架設於中控中心並可於該等讀取器間進行傷票資料彙整與同步化更新之中控設備。透過該等電子傷票結構設計,及該等電子傷票、隨身讀取器、中控設備與固定讀取器間之通訊設計,可提高傷患搜尋搶救效率,更有助於傷患資料之統一彙整與同步化更新,所以可大幅提高災難現場之傷患救援效率。3...電子傷票31...傷票本體32...射頻通訊單元33...光動能顯示單元34...指紋讀取單元35...警示單元351...警示燈352...警報器36...控制單元361...微處理器362...控制鍵37...電池單元38...記憶單元4...隨身讀取器5...固定讀取器6...中控設備