Чуян Елена Николаевна (RU),Трибрат Наталья Сергеевна (RU)
A method of evaluating the functional activity of microvascular endothelium, comprising the action of low intensity electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency with a wavelength of 7.1 mm, a frequency of 42.4 GHz, the power flux density of 0.1 mW / cm, the removal performance of blood microcirculation of the skin surface, the optical sensing tissue monochromatic radiation for 10 minutes to the action of electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency, low intensity electromagnetic radiation effect and holding a 30-minute recording laser dop lerovskoy flowmetry, characterized in that the conduct iontophoresis on the outer surface of the right forearm near the wrist joint from the endothelium-dependent vasodilator and endothelium-independent vasodilator in the first of the day, to extremely high frequency area of biologically active point GI-4 right-hand low-intensity electromagnetic radiation , record changes in blood flow reserve value calculated capillary blood flow, endothelial functional activity, the ratio of the amplitude zna eny endothelial rhythms during iontophoresis, and then in an extremely high frequency, the next day performed iontophoresis and act extremely high-frequency low-intensity radiation, record changes in blood flow in the extremely high frequency for the next four days affect low intensity radiation for three days affect low-intensity electromagnetic radiation, then again performed iontophoresis, to extremely high frequency low-intensity radiation, flow indicators recorded kro vi and nСпособ оценки функциональной активности микрососудистого эндотелия, включающий действие низкоинтенсивного электромагнитного излучения крайне высокой частоты с длиной волны 7,1 мм, частотой 42,4 ГГц, плотностью потока мощности 0,1 мВт/см, снятие показателей микроциркуляции крови с поверхности кожи, оптическое зондирование тканей монохроматическим излучением в течение 10 минут до действия электромагнитного излучения крайне высокой частоты, действи