A multiple catheter assembly including a first catheter constructed from afirstmaterial and having a first proximal end region, a first distal end regionterminating in a firstdistal tip, and an outer surface defining at least a first lumen extendinglongitudinallytherethrough between a first distal and a first proximal opening. The firstproximal endregion is integrally connected to an extension tube constructed from a secondmaterial. Asecond catheter is constructed from the first material and having a secondproximal endregion, a second distal end region terminating in a second distal tip, and asecond outersurface defining at least a second lumen extending longitudinally therethroughbetween asecond distal and a second proximal opening. The second proximal end region isintegrallyconnected to an extension tube constructed from the second material. The firstlumen andthe second lumen are independent from each other for facilitating simultaneousflow inopposite directions. The outer surfaces of the first and second catheters arereleasablyjoined for allowing the first and second distal tips to be at least partiallylongitudinally splitfrom each other.