T. LT; P GT; current invention; Oacute; N refers to synthetic products and amperes; Oacute; N Pharma Amp; EACUTE; enhanced oral coating compression process,Butenediol or its salts and amperes; Icatel; Effective and acceptable formaldehyde or its salts and amperes; Icatel; Effective and acceptable treatment of type 2 diabetes. The compound was obtained from Granulaci Amp; N H Amp; Oacute; N Pharma Amp; Eacute; UTICA; Granulaci Amp; Oacute; N AMP; UACUTE; MEDA.Using fine grinded formaldehyde and low prostate load,It consists of a polymer.In this case, Povidona and Magnesium Stearate acted as lubricants during compression and amperometry; Oacute; N. The fact that ground formaldehyde was used,It greatly improves people's understanding of it.At the same time, it can optimize the operating conditions. Composer and Ampere; Oacute; N Pharmacist and Ampere; eacute; improved utica,Knowing the combination of CI AMP, Oacute, N de Tenligiptina and Metformina,Comparing with the two existing principles,Vehicles in the form of sheetsThere is no difference in Liberaci Amp; Oacute; N in Vitro (Disclosi Amp; Oacute; N).On the other hand, what's better is thatCompressibility and cold compressibility of particles. These factors make this composition different from other N AMP components that contain the same assets and use more; UACUTE; purely from the prostate.So this is,1. The main purposes of the present invention are: Oacute; N. LT; / P GT;<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA MEJORADA EN LA FORMA DE COMPRIMIDO ORAL RECUBIERTO, CON TENELIGLIPTINA O SUS SALES FARMACÉ;UTICAMENTE ACEPTABLES Y METFORMINA O SUS SALES FARMACÉ;UTICAMENTE ACEPTABLES PARA EL TRATAMIENTO DE DIABETES MELLITUS TIPO 2. DICHA COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA ES OBTENIDA POR GRANULACIÓ;N HÚ;MEDA, UTILIZANDO METFORMINA MOLIDA A POLVO FINO Y BAJA CARGA DE EXCIPIENTES, CONSISTENTES EN UN AGLUTINANTE, EN ESTE CASO POVIDONA