PURPOSE: A composition for regulating growth of nerve cells containing coprisin peptide derivative, CopA3(9-mer disulfide dimer), as an active ingredient is provided to be used as a therapeutic agent for treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's diseases or Parkinson's disease without side effects. CONSTITUTION: A composition for regulating growth of nerve cells contains a coprisin peptide derivative, CopA3(9-mer disulfide dimer), with an amino acid sequence. The derivative is a regulator which promotes growth of nerve cells or suppresses programmed cell death of nerve cells. The nerve cells are brain cells. The derivative is D-type and is derived from an insect. The derivative is used for treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, or Huntington's disease.본 발명은 신경세포 성장 조절용 조성물에 관한 것이다. 이는 하기 아미노산 배열을 가지는 코프리신 펩티드 유도체 CopA3(9-mer disulfide dimer)를 유효 성분으로 함유할 수 있다.본 발명의 조성물에 따르면, 예컨대 알츠하이머 증후군 또는 파킨슨 증후군과 같은 퇴행성 신경질환의 치료제로서 비용이 저렴하면서도 부작용이 없는 새로운 치료제의 제공이 가능하다는 등의 현저한 효과가 있다.