KONOVALOVA NINA GENNADIEVNA,Коновалова Нина Геннадиевна,LEONTEV MARK ANATOLEVICH,Леонтьев Марк Анатольевич
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: percussion of tissues above and below the injury with patients eyes closed and a blow region announced in advance. First trainings involve specifying two percussion points so that a proximal point (PP) is found within maintained sensitivity, and a distal point (DP) - within low sensitivity or non-sensitivity. In the beginning, the PP with maintained sensitivity is announced its percussion is counted, then the DP percussion is counted. When the patient independently distinguished the blows, he/she is asked to count aloud to assess the correctness of his/her sensations. If the patient distinguishes the DP blow distinctly, the next pair of points is selected. The DP is considered to be PP, while the new point is specified in the more distal direction. The length of the procedure does not exceed 10 minutes. Besides, a sensor separation of right and left sides, the percussion involves symmetrical right and left sides for a sensor separation of the limb segments - on different segments of the same limb. The sensor separation of anterior and posterior, outer and inner foot is ensured by the percussion of its respective segments. The sensor separation of the heel of the hand and fingers is ensured by the percussion of their respective segments. Training the patients to locate separate fingers is enabled by adding the percussion with fetlock and phalangeal motions.EFFECT: forming non-specific sensitivity below the involvement in the patients suffering a vertebral-spinal injury.5 cl, 2 exИзобретение относится к восстановительной медицине, может быть использовано для лечения больных с нарушением проводимости по спинному мозгу, сенсорными расстройствами. Проводят перкуссию тканей, расположенных выше и ниже уровня поражения, при закрытых глазах пациента, предупреждая вначале пациента о зоне нанесения ударов. На первых занятиях выбирают две точки для перкуссии таким образом, чтобы проксимальная точка (ПТ) располагалась в зоне сохранной чувствительности,